Can such a thing as a “liberal Christian” actually exist? Is it possible for Christianity and liberalism to co-exist?
Questions like this, when asked, may sound like they are meant in
jest. But actually, they are not meant to be funny at all. In reality,
the question reflects a quiet serious inquiry. And furthermore, the
answer has some serious implications for the millions around the world
who call themselves Christians. Another way of asking the question is
this: Is it a reality that one can be both a Christian and a liberal at
the same time?
To answer this, one must first consider some basic theological
tenets: Jesus came to this planet centuries ago with only one thing in
mind. He wanted to provide an escape for humankind from being eternally
condemned. God knew that the use of animal sacrifices, that at the time
were being offered for the atonement for sin, was ultimately never going
to really work in the end. People were simply habitual sinners and had
limited resources or patience for the endless sacrifices. Something
else had to be done.
So, Jesus came and died on the cross, and in doing so, created a
permanent method through which any human being could be delivered from
eternal condemnation. This also made the road to salvation more direct,
although not necessarily easier: One could simply be saved through
faith in Christ alone. Without the cross, Christianity is without
foundation and meaningless.
This is why truly dedicated Christians are known for quoting from the Word of God, the Bible,
and trying to lead others to faith in Christ. Their salvation from hell
is the primary motivation in everything they do. Their desire to see
others saved from the same eternal condemnation is priority to them
above anything else in their lives.
A liberal Christian, however, is an entirely different thing. They
choose to define themselves by their beliefs and involvement in liberal
movements above anything else. These liberal movements could be
anything from abortion, to gay rights, to feminism, to racial advocacy,
to affirmative action. Maybe they choose to become advocates for large
entitlements and exemptions from the government. Liberal Christianity
can manifest itself in so many different ways. However, one common
aspect shared by all of these groups is that they are tied together by
what they simply call the “love of Jesus.” This is a very nebulous term
that is, in actuality, devoid of meaning.
Liberal Christians never talk about salvation. None of them talk at
length about what Jesus did on the cross. Rather, they focus on
something else. They seem to promote a type of lifestyle that is totally
dependent on self. It is all about bettering one’s self, saving one’s
self, relying on one’s own strength and action.
They will tell people that Jesus taught about accepting others, and
for that reason, homosexuals must feel accepted and be allowed to
celebrate their choice in lifestyle regardless of what the scripture
says. They want to create a sort of utopia where everyone is fed and
taken care of and nurtured. In the mind of a liberal, the best way to
accomplish that dream is through the government.
The liberal Christians who embrace this concept simply miss the whole
aim of Christianity. For them there is no accountability. There is no
challenge for their ethos to line up with what the Bible
outlines for mankind. If one wants to do it and likes the way it feels,
then go ahead. There is a total embrace of everything in today’s
society. Liberal Christianity is not centered on Christ at all, but,
instead, it is centered on the world.
What ends up being offered is a buffet style Christianity, allowing people to take the portions of the Bible
that make them feel good while ignoring everything else. When
challenged on what they choose to believe, they tell the accuser that he
is judgmental and misquote a verse in the Bible where Jesus told us to “judge not.”
In reality, the whole objective of that verse is not to inform the
reader that it is wrong to judge, but, rather, to be painfully aware of
the measuring stick that is being used. It is, after all, very common
for individuals to hold others to standards that are rather impossible.
For sure, there are many who profess Christianity who require
perfection from those around themselves and ignore their own problems.
There are others who will spend the majority of their time quibbling
over the inconsistencies of others instead of following the commands of
God in obedience.
In short, all of the warnings we find in the Bible do not
mean that the act of judgment is always a negative action. The reality
is that we will all be judged in the end by God’s standards as put forth
in His Word.
The life of a Christian liberal is not centered on Christ nor is it based on the Bible.
This is proven by their defending the right to murder an unborn child
or for the homosexual lifestyle to be glorified. For this reason, a new
way is needed to attract supporters.
The easiest avenue to take is often a very poorly disguised New Age
form of spirituality. It gives all the right connotations of being
loving and having a spiritual type theme. They begin to use left-wing
tactics to motivate their congregation and begin doing things that
inflate a sense of self-worth and importance instead of the searching
for and finding faith.
This New Age, feel-good type of faith, is not really faith at all.
Rather, it takes the basic Christian structure of community and church
and makes it into something more attractive to those who are
secularists. All through the history of the progressive movement are
individuals who use their position inside their faith to garner support
of causes that are extra-Biblical.
It is not enough for anyone to profess to be a Christian or even a
Muslim. To claim a faith is to actually hold to the core beliefs of
that faith. Otherwise, God is being created in their image. He becomes a
god who holds to what they want to be true.
In short, the answer to the original question is “no.” Christianity
and liberalism cannot coexist. Once someone turns from faith in the
scripture and from the laws of God, they have designed their own
religion. This is America, and people are free to do that if they
choose. But please do not call it Christianity.
Christianity is the
coming to a relationship with God through a faith in Jesus Christ in
response to the sacrifice He endured. To call it anything else is
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