Monday, January 9, 2012

Obama Takes Millions In Corporate Donations

Don't let Obama fool you, he takes in millions from corporate donations.  While Obama plays to his base preaching against capitalism and against private business, Obama is more than willing to take money from those big, bad, and corrupt corporate elite.  Don't be fooled either about this, Obama is worth millions in personal wealth.  So with all this being the facts is it fair he takes off to Hawaii on a private vacation for three weeks when so many Americans are unemployed?  Is it fair Michelle spends hundreds of thousands on designer cloths in Paris, not just from Paris, but actually in Paris with so many Americans are in desperate conditions?  As usual as a good Marxist lefty Obama says one thing then does another.

As reported in The Wall Street Journal:

President Barack Obama, who has been characterized as anti-business by his political opponents, has received more in campaign contributions from business executives this year than any Republican presidential candidate.
Obama raised $5.6 million from executives, or about a third of all their donations through Sept. 30, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Republican candidate Mitt Romney raised $5.2 million, far outpacing his primary challengers. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, the front-runner in the latest national polls, raised about $272,000, or 5 percent of Romney’s total.
The findings illustrate the powers of an incumbent president with an established fundraising apparatus, and the diversity of political preferences among business leaders. Executives from communications and technology firms led Obama’s donor list. Romney’s professional ties to the private-equity fund Bain Capital LLC, which he founded, fueled his receipts.
Though Obama has criticized the excesses of Wall Street financial firms and their executives, he always has had “a large donor component that was linked to corporate America,” David Magleby, a political scientist and visiting scholar at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, said in an interview.
Penny Pritzker, a Chicago billionaire businesswoman and chairman of Pritzker Realty Group LLC, led Obama’s fundraising efforts in 2008. Matthew Barzun, a former CNET Networks Inc. executive, leads fundraising for Obama’s re-election campaign.

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